Arthur John STRUTT

 A. J. Strutt, A Pedestrian Tour in Calabria and Sicily, London, 1842. The book contained several illustrations signed by Strutt himself, and was dedicated to his friend and travel companion William Jackson, who, at the end of the journey, on 22nd June 1838, left Naples and returned immediately back to England.


Cf. L. Cavazzi, Una collezionista e mecenate romana, Anna Letitia Pecci Blunt (1885-1971), in Bollettino dei Musei comunali di Roma, VI, Rome 1992,  p. 151.


P. E. Trastulli, Arthur John Strutt, in La Campagna Romana da Hackert a Balla, exhibition catalogue by P. A. De Rosa - P. E. Trastulli, Roma, Museo del Corso, 22 November 2001 - 24 February 2002, Rome 2001, p. 280.


On Arthur John Strutt and his contribution to the archaeological studies in the area of Lanuvio Cf C. Lampe - R. Mammucari, Arthur John Strutt: pittore a Roma e archeologo a Lanuvio, Velletri 1988.