Ippolito CAFFIRome, view from the Pincio at Sunset, 1855
Ippolito CAFFIFlight on the Balloon, 1847
Ippolito CAFFIView of Castel Sant’Angelo with St. Peter's Basilica in the Background, 1837
Ippolito CAFFIBridge of Belluno
Ippolito CAFFIHorse Race along the Corso
Ippolito CAFFIMausoleum of Cecilia Metella
Ippolito CAFFIMoccoletti's Party
Ippolito CAFFIOriental figures
Ippolito CAFFIRemains of the temple of Jupiter in Ostia
Ippolito CAFFIView of the ancient piazza Venezia
Ippolito CAFFIView of the Mediterranean coast
Ippolito CAFFIView of Trinità de' Monti
Ippolito CAFFIView of Trinità dei Monti with Villa Medici
Ippolito CAFFIViews of Castel Sant’Angelo with the Bridge and San Pietro